Past News

Nov 2022: I have been nominated Professor of Meteorology at Uppsala University!

Sept 2022: We welcome Leonardo Olivetti as new Ph. D. student working on the ERC project CENÆ!

Nov 2021: I am the recipient of the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala’s Thalén Prize in Physics!

Sept 2021: I have been elected member of the Young Academy of Sweden! For more info see here.

Mar 2021: Check out our new comic strip on the Carbon Cycle. Get in touch if you want to use it for outreach!

Jan 2021: I am the recipient of the Imperial Colllege Emerging Alumni Award!

July 2020: My ERC Starting Grant proposal has been approved by the European Research Council! More details here.

Jun 2020: I have become Docent in Meteorology (Swedish Habilitation)! See my Docent Lecture here.

May 2020: The H2020 ITN-ETN project proposal I have coordinated has been approved by the Research Executive Agency! More details soon to come here.

Mar 2020: Together with my colleagues Christoffer and Leonie, I have co-ordinated the participation of the Meteorology group in SciFest. Come visit us 6-8th March! More info here.

Jan 2020: I am co-organizing a school on high-latitude climate science in Cape Town. Contact me in you want to take part.

Oct 2019: I joined the editorial board of Earth System Dynamics.

Oct 2019: I am co-organizing a course on machine learning in Uppsala. Contact me in you want to take part.

Aug 2019: I am advertising a post-doctoral position in climate – carbon cycle interactions. Apply here!

Apr 2019: I am recipient of EGU’s Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for the Atmospheric Sciences division.

Mar 2019: New Scientist has a story on our article: How Global Warming Changes the Difficulty of Synoptic Weather Forecasting.

Nov 2018: FORMAS has funded the project: “Storskalig atmosfärisk variabilitet driver förändringar på den jordbundna kolcykeln och kollagring”!

Oct 2018: I will soon be moving to the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University as Associate Professor.

Sep 2018: I am advertising a post-doctoral position in climate dynamics. Apply here!

Jan 2018: STINT has funded the project: “Atmospheric extremes in the Antarctic marginal ice zone”!

Nov 2017: Seed funding from the Bolin Centre for Climate Research to investigate links between the terrestrial carbon cycle and large-scale atmospheric configurations.

Oct 2017: Extreme Weather Workshop in Stockholm. More details here.

Aug 2017: Special Issue in Complexity: “Dynamical Systems Extremes in Climate Science“.

Jun 2017: Our recent article on dynamical systems theory applied to reanalysis data by the French Atomic Energy Commission.

Mar 2017: I will be a visiting scientist at LSCE/IPSL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France for the next 6 months.

Nov 2016: VR has funded the project: “Storskalig organisation av extremt väder över Europa och Nordamerika”!

Jul 2016: Our recent article on the link between North American Cold Spells and European Windstorms features in AGU’s GeoSpace blog.